Migrating from BundleWrap 1.x to 2.x

As per semver, BundleWrap 2.0 breaks compatibility with repositories created for BundleWrap 1.x. This document provides a guide on how to upgrade your repositories to BundleWrap 2.x. Please read the entire document before proceeding. To aid with the transition, BundleWrap 1.6.0 has been released along with 2.0.0. It contains no new features over 1.5.x, but has builtin helpers to aid your migration to 2.0.


In every bundle, rename bundle.py to items.py. BundleWrap 1.6.0 can do this for you by running bw migrate.

Default file content type

The default content_type for file items has changed from "mako" to "text". This means that you need to check all file items that do not define an explicit content type of "mako". Some of them might be fine because you didn't really need templating, while others may need to have their content_type set to "mako" explicitly.

BundleWrap 1.6.0 will print warnings for every file item affected when running bw test.

Metadata merging

The merging behavior for node and group metadata has changed. Instead of a simple dict.update(), metadata dicts are now merged recursively. See the docs for details.

Metadata processors and item generators

These two advanced features have been replaced by a single new mechanism: metadata.py You will need to rethink and rewrite them.

BundleWrap 1.6.0 will print warnings for every group that uses metadata processors and any item generators when running bw test.

Custom item types

The API for defining your own items has changed. Generally, you should be able to upgrade your items with relatively little effort. Refer to the docs for details.

Deterministic templates

While not a strict requirement, it is highly recommended to ensure your entire configuration can be created deterministically (i.e. remains exactly the same no matter how often you generate it). Otherwise, you won't ne able to take advantage of the new functionality provided by bw hash.

A common pitfall here is iteration over dictionaries in templates:

% for key, value in my_dict.items():
% endfor

Standard dictionaries in Python have no defined order. This may result in lines occasionally changing their position. To solve this, you can simply use sorted():

% for key, value in sorted(my_dict.items()):
% endfor

Hook arguments

Some hooks had their arguments adjusted slightly.